medical lawsuit

Mass Tort & Class Action Cases

Pharmaceutical products save countless lives. They open the door to a better quality of life for those facing serious health issues. Yet these benefits are the product of refinement and testing — processes that often span years or decades and require millions of dollars in research and development. Eager to achieve a return on their investment, pharmaceutical companies sometimes cut corners. Whether intentional or not, these lapses can cost innocent people their health and even their lives. Our skilled attorneys fight for those who have fallen victim to tragedy or illness and will advocate for justice.

Defective Drugs, Products & Medical Devices That Cause Harm

Currently, there are numerous cases where individuals are suffering due to faulty products or drugs. Click the product or drug below to learn more.

Click here for a complete list of products and drugs causing harm. If you or someone you know has been affected, please contact us at (239) 791-7950 or email

Concerta Law Suit
class action lawsuit

Meet Our Attorneys

The Aloia Roland practice areas are shaped by our attorneys’ diverse expertise. Contact the office to schedule an appointment today (239) 791-7950.

Evan D. Lubell

Evan D. Lubell specializes in personal injury law and is respected for his expert knowledge of the law. His clients value Lubell’s ability to meticulously manage complex cases and navigate the overwhelming process. Renowned for elevating the practice of law, Lubell embodies integrity while advocating for relentless pursuit of justice for his clients.


Ty G. Roland

Dedicated to fully understanding the science of a situation, Ty G. Roland takes an investigative approach in order to look beyond the horizon and do what’s best for his clients in the long run. A maestro in the courtroom, Roland has successfully defeated numerous corporate giants.

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today to set up your consultation!

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